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Q: Why do I need KapKlips?
A: First of all, you don't NEED it. I believe that your job is hard enough and this just helps you out like a better designed rifle sling. It is designed for you to stow your helmet away during those short moments when you don't have to wear it on your head, and when you don't want to throw it on the ground or forget it on a desk somewhere.
Q: Is this just for combat deployments?
A: No. You really should have one anytime you're issued a vest and helmet. It's best to install it right as you are issued one upon arrival to your base. Put it on then, and you won't have to take it off until you have to turn them back in. Even if you don't use your kit every day, week or month, when you consider the years you'll be using this item, this item, at its price, is worth it.
Q: Should I clip my helmet to my vest during combat operations?
A: Not just NO, but *$#& NO. If you are anywhere where you should have your helmet on your head, KEEP IT ON YOUR HEAD. This is for those times before or after a combat mission when there is no danger to you or your team.
Q: Will this fit on my helmet?
A: If you have a helmet with a four-point chinstrap, it will fit. For those who have a cam fit retention chin strap, you might have to unscrew the back two buckles.
Q: Why don't I just use a carabiner?
A: You absolutely can. I won't stop you. Yet, have you ever noticed that it just dangles about? Do you notice that you have to re-adjust your chinstrap every time you put your helmet back on? Isn't that annoying? Well, KapKlips won't do any of that.
Q: Is this authorized for wear?
A: I really can't see why not. If you used a carabiner in the past, that was never really authorized nor not authorized. It's your kit; do what makes your duties easier to perform. If you're a law enforcement officer, defense/military contractor, or military enthusiast, you can do just about whatever you want.
Q: Will I feel this or will it bother me while worn?
A: It weighs two ounces. So, you won't even feel it; however, it may interfere with females' hair buns. Though, if you have a nape, then, you won't feel it at all.
Q: How long will KapKlips last?
A: Since it's installed in places where there aren't usually a lot of wear and tear, it believe it will last you a career. I used my original one through my last seven years in the Army. Buy it as a private and wear it until you're a sergeant major.
Q: Can I use this during airborne operations?
A: Please DO NOT clip your helmet to your vest during airborne operations.
Q: Should I let all my friends know about KapKlips?
A: Yes, and your enemies as well.
Q: Will KapKlips make me look cool?
A: Absolutely.
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